Monday, October 25, 2010

Gardening Books

    There are literally hundreds of great books on the topic of organic gardening.  We have placed a number of them in our new store. Out of the fifty or so Gardening Books that I personally own, the one I most frequently use and that has the most wear and tear is The Vegetable Gardener's Bible by Edward C. Smith.

The Vegetable Gardener's Bible by Edward C. Smith.

    The first 175 pages cover all the things you need to know to get your garden started.  For example, he talks about the advantages of growing your garden in a wide and deep raised bed.  I can tell you from my experience he is right on the mark with that idea.  I have done both deep wide beds and traditional in the ground gardening.  The raised beds heat up faster for one thing and the beds don't get all compacted from walking on them.  I do mine about 4 feet wide at the outside and 18 inches deep.  It is easier to tend to and easier to harvest from.  He tells you how to build it with clear easy instructions.

    Another thing I like about this book is the coverage of the topic of "planning your garden".  He talks about crop rotation, he talks about spacing, and he talks about companion planting. He tells you how to jump start your garden and how to make it self sufficient.  Then he tell you how to prepare the gardens for winter so they will be ready for your next planting.

   He has a great section on pest control  and keeping your soil healthy, including how to make your own compost.  All the pest control methods are organic, of course.

   He has taken the time to devote the balance of the book to discussing the individual vegetables with all the little details like temperature and water requirements.  He tells you what PH level the plant needs and most importantly, what plants each plant likes to be planted next to and which ones to NEVER plant together.

   All in all, this is an excellent gardening book that I am sure you will refer to many, many times.  May you always have fun in your garden and may you always have a bountiful harvest!