Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Row Covers Work

Row covers work against the frost and freezing temps we have had recently. I just picked peas again yesterday and had enough for dinner. I had covered the plants with the row covers a couple of weeks ago just in time to beat our first frost here in Northern Arizona. The peas were actually still blooming! Yea!!!

I've taken them off now though. It is time for me to change my season too. I don't garden in the winter, at least not in the outdoors. This is the time to take a breather and relax before I start planning for the planting in the Spring. I have to finish putting the gardens to bed by removing the plants and composting them.  I need to do a soil test and disconnect the irrigation systems yet as well.  Then, after a few weeks off for the Holidays, I'll be ready to settle in with the new seed catalogs that start arriving soon after Thanksgiving.  Oh what fun!

Speaking of fun and the Holidays, while you are catching your breath from all the gardening chores, why not go visit our Holiday Recipe Exchange.  Leave your comments and share your recipes too. (That soup recipe is where I put those fresh peas I picked yesterday.)

Have a Great Day!

Arlene Kaye

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